1. When purchasing RDS - reservations it shows Single-AZ but RDS is by default Multi-AZ - does this reservation mean "in whichever AZ your instance is currently provisioned?
Answer: RDS can be deployed in a Single or a Multi-AZ. Purchasing reservation is available on both environment types. Take note that if you're deploying a Multi-AZ, reservation will be for 2 instances. Reference: Reserved DB instances for Amazon RDS - Amazon Relational Database Service
2. How do I purchase a reservation for an instance I plan to use? How would I know what I'm purchasing, is it the master, the replica or both.
Answer: As stated above, both instances will be purchased for Multi-AZ reservation. You can purchase an RDS reservation by following these steps:
- Log in to the AWS Management Console, select "RDS" under "Databases".
- Ensure you have selected the Region in which you would like to make your Reserved Instance purchases.
- Select “Reserved instances” in the navigation pane and click on the “Purchase Reserved DB Instance” button.
- Select the database engine, DB instance class, offering type and the term length. You can also enter an optional ID for your purchase.
- Adjust the quantity of Reserved DB instances to purchase.
- Click on “Continue”, verify the purchase information, and confirm.
References: Reserved DB instances for Amazon RDS - Amazon Relational Database Service
Amazon RDS Reserved Instances | Cloud Relational Database | Amazon Web Services
3. On RDS rightsizing, is there a method for RDS similar to rightsizing recommendations for EC2?
Answer: Currently, that right sizing feature is only available for EC2 and not for RDS. But this documentation will help you rightsizing for RDS:
Optimizing your cost with Rightsizing Recommendations - AWS Billing and Cost Management (amazon.com)
4. EC2 - reservations - is there a way to see which instances are being covered? Can we separate/group by tags or is this only per account?
Answer: To check the instance types that are supported by EC2 Reservation:
You may login to your AWS Console > EC2 > Reserved Instances. From there, can click on drop down menu about Platform (OS), Instance Type, Tenancy, Payment Option, etc.
Tags can be applied to the reserved instances, and supports multi-account
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